Importing AI Vehicle Template Files into Adobe Illustrator

  1. From the “File” menu, choose “Place”.
  2. For the type of file, select “AI”.
  3. Browse on your computer and select the AI file that will be imported.
  4. Select the AI file that will be imported.
  5. If the “Link” checkbox is checked, then uncheck this option.
  6. Click “Place” to import the file.

All templates are 1:20 scale. It is often useful to partially scale the templates in your design package, and then scale the remaining amount when printing. There are two common ways that this scaling can be applied:

  1. Scale the template by 200%, and the finished the design at 1,000% for a combined scaling of 2,000%.
    This gives us an 1 inch = ten inches ratio when designing.
  2. Scale the template by 166.666%, and then output the finished design at 1,200% for a combined scaling of 2,000%. This gives us a 1 inch = 1 foot ratio when designing.

Always measure the vehicle and check those measurements before printing your artwork.

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